1. Love books

“It was my grandmother who instilled in me a love of reading. I remember how in the summer at the dacha she and I could sit for hours, each in her chair and each with her own book. Grandmother said that after reading most of the classics, she could afford to "dabble" in exciting novels and detective stories. I started on the contrary with “light reading”, and only now I am mastering the classics, but something else is important: I got this love for books from it.” Elizabeth

2. Decorate the house with photos

“My grandmother believed that absolutely any room is enlivened by photographs of loved ones and loved ones. In her apartment, the pictures were everywhere - even in the kitchen, in frames, just leaning against books, staged and plot. In our house, I try to follow this tradition - I borrowed a few photos from my beloved grandmother. Marina

3. Take food with you

“When I was very young, I was embarrassed by this habit of my grandmother always giving me food for the road. Now, when I collect my children for school or accompany my husband to work, I remember her every time. My relatives always have a cereal bar or a bag of dried fruits in their bag - so I am sure that they do not go hungry during the day. Alina

4. Hug often

5. Befriend strangers

"My mother's mother - amazing person! During my wedding, all the young people sat at her table - she knew how to win over people so well. On trips, in shops and cafes, she always smiled at the first people she met, often asked how their day went. People smiled back at her and wished her many good things.” Catherine

6. Know how to look good

“It seems that even to take out the trash, my grandmother preened herself in front of the mirror. I don’t remember a single day when she didn’t have a perfect manicure and beautiful styling. I constantly set her as an example for my daughters (and myself, too!) - the perfect skill perfect woman always look good." Ilona

7. Being a child

“Even at 80, my grandmother said that she felt at most 39. She could laugh loudly and loudly in the company, play outdoor games with us, her grandchildren, the first to run to kindle a fire in the country. Her vital energy enough for everyone: for four children and ten (!) grandchildren. Evgeniya

8. Sculpt dumplings

“My grandmother is from Siberia, she is an excellent cook, but she is especially good at small, neat dumplings. She taught this skill to us, her two granddaughters. My sister's husband admits that it was with this that she conquered him at the time. And I'm not married yet, but if my friends have a holiday, they always ask me to "sleep" a little. I make dumplings all day, I do everything carefully and according to technology, we freeze part of the food, so that my friends remember me and my grandmother kind word for a long time". Larisa

Hello our dear visitors!

P We bring to your attention the useful advice of our grandmothers, which, passed down from generation to generation, will not only help us manage the household, but also instill in our souls the spirit of prayer and gratitude to those women who, out of love for us, help us through the centuries:

Before baking pancakes, it is necessary to calcine table salt in a pan.

- You can prepare a pan before frying pancakes like this: put it on fire, pour in a little vegetable oil, pour 1 tablespoon of coarse salt and ignite well, then let it cool slightly. Wipe hot pan paper napkin to remove carbon deposits, then add dry salt again, and wipe again. The frying pan is ready, fry the pancakes, and be sure - there will not be a single clod! Angel to you at the meal!

To get rid of scale in the kettle, you need to boil water with vinegar in it.

- This folk method safe, harmless and affordable for everyone, unlike modern means for descaling. Suitable for electric kettles. To clean the kettle from scale, you need to dissolve in 1 liter of water 2-3 tablespoons of ordinary table vinegar, and boil the kettle, then rinse it thoroughly. Happy tea drinking!

To clean the fingers and skin of the hands after peeling potatoes, beets or after working with berries, you can use a slice of lemon. Simply rub your hands with a lemon wedge, or rinse your hands with a vinegar-water solution. Enjoy your work!

You can cut onions without tears if you constantly dip the knife in cold water.

Fill a wide bowl or tall vase with ice water and rinse your knife in it from time to time. Don't forget to rinse the peeled onion before slicing. cold water. You can also cut the lemon in half, and regularly wipe the blade with it. It is believed that what sharper knife, the less caustic juice splashes when cutting onions, and therefore fewer tears.

If the soup is too salty, it can be saved with rice.

- To do this, you need to place a handful of rice in a canvas rag, and lower it into the pan for 15 minutes. You can also put rice in a bag (quickly cooked) into the soup - so you will have both soup and boiled rice!

Roses will please our eyes longer if you put half an aspirin in water.

Egg whites beat faster and keep their shape longer if you add a little lemon juice or a pinch of fine salt.

- A few drops of lemon juice or salt - will help to quickly whip the egg whites into a strong foam. Eggs must be fresh and straight from the refrigerator, that is, cold. For example, yeast dough will rise faster if the eggs are fresh and the whites are well beaten.

Eggs will not break when cooked, and the protein will not leak out of them if they are dipped in salted water.

- If on eggshell even if there is a small crack, then salt water will no longer help. On the contrary, in salt water, the egg will flow out even more than in ordinary water.

If you did not find a single crack on the egg, then feel free to boil the eggs in salt water. The main thing is not to put a lot of eggs in a saucepan so that they do not beat against each other, although it is believed that salt somehow prevents cracking.

A greasy stain on clothes should be sprinkled with talc or tooth powder as soon as possible, then ironed with an iron, and left for a while.

- As you know, salt dissolves some types of pollution, although, unfortunately, not all. Salt does not work on greasy and oily stains. Salt sprinkled with ink spots. With a strong salt solution, fresh traces of chocolate, coffee and tea are well removed. Also, do not rub salt into the stain, otherwise it will fix on dead.

In 1910, the tobacco company Gallaher Ltd. released a series of 100 How-to's cigarette cards. These pictures quickly became a collector's item. The New York Public Library has digitized them to remind us of these extremely practical advice.

Surprisingly, the life advice of 100 years ago has not lost its relevance! Anyone can use them and appreciate the wisdom of our ancestors.
Tips for every day

How to restore freshness to cut flowers

If the bouquet began to fade, the flowers can be restored to a fresh look. To do this, Gallagher recommends putting them in hot water. When the water has cooled, it is necessary to cut off the tips of the stems and rearrange the flowers in a vase with cold water.

How to tell butter from margarine

Who would have thought that this problem was already relevant in 1910! To check if the oil is real, card number 17 advises you to grease a piece of paper with it and set it on fire. During burning, natural butter will exude a pleasant aroma, and margarine will have a nasty smell.

The best way to clean new shoes

Rub the new shoes with half a lemon and let them dry. After that, they will be easy to clean!

What to do if sprained ligaments

Raise the affected limb higher and wrap it with a bandage soaked in cold water. The illustration shows how to keep the bandages moist without having to change them. Water from the jug will gradually drain onto the compress through the bandage.

What to do if glasses get stuck

When one glass gets stuck in another, there is a danger of breaking them when separated. The simplest and effective method separate them - pour into the upper glass of cold water, and lower the lower into hot. They will split up immediately.

How to check if the bed is damp in a hotel room

Those who often spend the night in hotels know that sleeping in a damp bed is very unpleasant, and also unsafe for health. An ordinary mirror will help you quickly check the dryness of the bed. You need to put it under the sheet for a couple of minutes. If the mirror becomes covered with perspiration, you need to demand another bed for yourself.

How to cook delicious potatoes

To make boiled potatoes crumbly, you need to add a pinch of sugar to the pan during cooking, in addition to salt. When the potatoes are cooked, it is necessary to drain the broth, put the pan back on the fire and periodically shake the contents for a minute or two, allowing the potatoes to dry evenly.

How to remove ink stains from a handkerchief

A fresh ink stain can be easily removed with milk. It is necessary to place the soiled object in a bowl of milk, and the stains will begin to disappear literally before our eyes.

How to make a drinker for chickens

A drinker for chickens can be made using an ordinary wine bottle and a plate by constructing the structure shown in the figure. In this case, the distance between the edge of the neck of the bottle and the bottom of the plate should be slightly more than a centimeter.

How to make vases more stable

Partially fill the vases with sand, which will make them more stable, forming a center of gravity at the bottom. This method is especially good for vases with a narrow bottom.

How not to get dirty when painting

When you paint with a brush, sooner or later the paint will flow down the handle of the brush and on to your hands and clothes. To prevent this from happening, take a small piece of cardboard and cut a hole in it. Insert the brush firmly into the hole and get to work.

How to insert a candle into a narrow candlestick

If the candle is too thick for your candlestick, do not rush to cut it: dip the end of the candle into hot water - this will melt the wax. Now, if you try to put a candle in a candlestick, it will go there easily!

We won’t be able to present all 100 life hacks from the How-to’s set in one article. If these useful tips for every day did not suit you, try to get acquainted with original solution household problems from our editors.

My grandmother had teeth like Sophia Loren until she was very old, and when she hennaed her curls and curled them into curls from my old school notebooks, our phone was torn from calls from elderly gentlemen inviting my grandmother on a date. And I still use her recipe for exfoliating the skin of the face with a piece of suede and I hope that at 85 I will look 20 years younger, like my beloved grandmother. Our grandmothers had to dodge to look like fresh roses, and, you see, they sometimes succeeded better than us, who have countless tubes and jars in the bathroom shelves.


The most important recipe for youth that I kept from my grandmother is the advice to always smile and always be in love. Well, as a bonus, all of the following!

1. “Curlers” from rags

Stripes from an old pillowcase - these were the best "curlers", thanks to which tight, elastic and resistant curls were obtained. Sleeping with such “curlers” is not a problem at all! When it was necessary to make a larger wave, my grandmother took notebook leaves, twisted them into a tube - “boomerang curlers” were obtained. So it is quite possible to adopt this a budget option if for some reason you don’t have the usual curlers in your house. This is the norm for me - the dog regularly eats these expensive accessories, so grandmother's advice always helps out.

2. Suede “massage”

We take a piece of natural suede and begin to rub the face, neck and décolleté along massage lines. We do this procedure in the morning and in the evening for 5-7 minutes. You will not believe, but the face becomes well, just perfectly smooth! True, you need to try to find a suede that is not treated with chemicals. My grandmother used her old suede gloves for this purpose. Eh, give up on the flea market, or what?

3. Satin against electricity

Have you ever encountered such a phenomenon as electrified hair? I had this often, until my grandmother advised me to put a satin pillowcase on my pillow. Not only did the static tension disappear by some miracle, my grandmother also claimed that the smoothness of satin protects against premature wrinkles. I believe her, remembering her rosy cheeks!

4. Glycerin hand cream

In those days, glycerin was almost a panacea, they smeared the face with it, and the doors so that they would not creak, and did enemas. My grandmother took a pharmacy vial of glycerin and dissolved a piece of brewer's yeast in it. With this mixture, she smeared her hands at night, putting on cotton gloves. I don’t remember something on the hands of my 85-year-old grandmother of age spots.

6. Calcium chloride peeling

The vile-tasting liquid that was fed to me as a child for health, managed not to hate for only one reason. Calcium chloride is an incredibly chic skin peel that can seriously compete with expensive salon peels and French products based on glycolic acid. Soak a cotton pad calcium chloride(this is a liquid) and massage your face along the massage lines, rinse your face with water. You will be really surprised by the effect of smoothness and softness with the help of such a simple penny liquid (5 ampoules of 5 ml each cost about 8 hryvnias). You can treat any coarsened or dry parts of the body - knees, elbows, heels.

7. Potatoes for circles under the eyes

Our grandmothers without exception went with nickels of potatoes on their faces, I think you remember these wonderful shots from your childhood! I also remember circles of cucumbers, tomatoes and strawberries stuck on the faces of my grandmother and mother. The starch contained in the potato somehow affected the condition of the skin around the eyes. And later, when fashionable tea bags appeared on sale, these same bags replaced potatoes and cucumbers.

8. Laundry soap for acne

When my brother began to grow up and he developed acne on his forehead and cheeks, my mother bought a bunch of lotions. The poor fellow smeared, smeared, smeared, smeared, but all to no avail. And then one day my grandmother came to us and handed her brother a bundle. There was a piece of soap in the package dark brown with a pungent odor. The brother grimaced, and the grandmother said: “In a week, there will be no trace of your acne.” Don't doubt it - it happened. Laundry soap has active alkaline properties, and, as you know, most microorganisms in an alkaline environment are covered. Yes, by the way, doctors still advise: if you are bitten by a dog, you need to thoroughly wash the wound with abundant foam from laundry soap. In general, any wounds can be treated with this natural antiseptic. Just keep in mind - all newfangled laundry soaps of white and yellow flowers with a pleasant smell do not work. Only grandma's "black" soap!

9. Laundry soap for gorgeous hair

This super soap, the same one, almost black in color and with an unbearably “pleasant” smell, also served as a great shampoo. If you find just such an “old” soap, you will never want to spend money on expensive ones again. medicinal products for hair, especially if you have dandruff (dry or oily, in this case it does not matter).

The algorithm is as follows: wash your hair, as usual, with shampoo, then wash the hair roots abundantly with soap, rubbing the foam into the skin, then rinse thoroughly and apply either conditioner, or, if the hair is not prone to dryness, rinse with a decoction of herbs with the addition of lemon juice. Try what you deserve. My grandmother had curls - wow!

10. Miracle dishwashing detergent that does not kill hands

There were no fairies in those days, but grandmother's dishes always shone like new. And her hands were always soft and gentle. In a box on the kitchen sink, we always had detergent: soda, mustard powder, shavings of the same household miracle soap, tooth powder. During the wash, my grandmother added a little vinegar to this mixture - and the result was always impressive. I well remember how she carefully rubbed the back of her hands with the remnants of this “faerie”. Perhaps that is also why she did not have any pigmentation.

11. A bunch more useful things from laundry soap

Briefly, what I remember from my grandmother: laundry soap is good ...

  • ... make an intimate toilet with thrush and any inflammatory diseases of the vagina.
  • ... to clean the face of makeup.
  • ... with a runny nose, insert tampons moistened with a solution of soap into the nose - this kills microorganisms and creates a protective film against the virus.
  • ... in case of fungal diseases, thoroughly wash the affected areas.
  • ... in case of a burn, lather the sore spot with foam and allow to dry. There will be no blister!
  • … to process vegetables, fruits and even meat. Make a very weak solution of soap and rinse the products thoroughly in it, then rinse with running water. Microorganisms, helminth eggs and other muck dissolve without a trace.

As you can see, so many new and unexpected useful information. You do not need to go into waste and do a bunch of exhausting procedures. Try grandma's recipes. And don't forget the main one! Do you remember which one?

Every day we are faced with situations that can negatively affect the energy of your home. However, the wise advice of our grandmothers always helps to correct the situation.

Signs for consent in the family

You can't take someone's handkerchief and give it as a gift. In this case, the handkerchief is associated with tears that are wiped with it. Therefore, using someone else's handkerchief, you can incur other people's troubles and misfortunes. However, the negative impact can be avoided. As popular wisdom advises, for this it is necessary to formally pay off: to give something in return. For example, a penny, or an apple.

In order not to quarrel, it is necessary to be very careful about piercing and cutting objects. They are associated with harsh words that family members can subsequently express to each other. Signs for every day are advised not to leave the knife lying on the table: be sure to wash it before going to bed and put it away. Otherwise, there will be conflicts within the family.

Also, do not give a pin and accept it from other hands. It's better to take it yourself. It is believed that this small object can cause a lot of harm to the fate of a person. But in this case, you can pay off the quarrel. To do this, it is necessary that, when giving a pin, you are deliberately pricked, gently and not much.

In order for money to be found in the house, they cannot be shown to strangers. Indeed, among people there are those who can jinx and adopt the positive monetary energy of your home. But for the most common security reasons, this is also a logical warning: once again save yourself from theft.

Also, folk wisdom advises putting some money under the tablecloth. This will constantly attract wealth to you. And in order not to lose it, in no case do not sit on the table. Of course, such beliefs can be easily explained: the table is laid on what has already been earned, which means that the correct and dignified handling of it can indirectly affect financial energy.

A few more tips on how to maintain wealth in the house relate to bread. If the sun has already set, do not start cutting a new loaf: according to grandmother's wisdom, this will definitely bring only losses. Especially if you have a habit of shaking off the crumbs with your hand or paper napkin. In this way, you will only turn away your own wealth more strongly. In general, there are many beliefs associated with the kitchen, with the help of which you can avoid any trouble.

There is a belief that our grandmothers passed from mouth to mouth to us - do not leave dirty dishes and do not scatter clothes. Yes, children are so often scared, saying that because of this, hell will come. However, daily maintenance of cleanliness is very justified not only from a hygienic point of view. The more dirt in your house, the more negative energy accumulates there, which contributes not only to quarrels, but also to illnesses.

Why did grandmothers always say that greeting, saying goodbye and passing through the threshold is bad and not right? Because behind the house, according to the beliefs of the Slavs, completely different spirits live, which can be hostile to humans. Greeting through the threshold, you create a kind of hole between the house and the outside world, through which positive protective energy can leave the house and, conversely, negative energy can come.

In daily maintenance of positive energy, not only the advice of ancestors, but also ancient Chinese wisdom can help you. Feng Shui at home noticeably changes the atmosphere for the better, so we suggest you put at least a few of the 12 strongest home talismans at home. May everything be safe in your family, and don't forget to press the buttons and

21.10.2016 05:07

Folk wisdom, collected over the centuries, also helps in modern world. With the help of signs and superstitions, everyone ...