Small child, once on the beach, immediately begins to enthusiastically play with the sand. And adults like to build sand castles. And this is not surprising. According to psychologists, playing with sand has a beneficial effect on our psyche, relieves negative emotions, anxieties, and sometimes even helps in solving problems.

Children who love to play in the sandbox, build castles, paint with sand grow up confident and more likely to succeed. In addition, joint activities with sand help parents to study the characteristics of the behavior and development of the child.

The essence of the method

The sandbox is a good diagnostic tool that helps to effectively overcome a variety of personal problems and relieve internal stress. sand therapy helps to release and understand your true Self, helps to restore your mental integrity.

The child often does not know how to express his anxieties and fears in words. Sand therapy for children helps to do this. The child plays an exciting situation with the help of toy characters, creates a picture of his own world from the sand, thereby freeing himself from tension.

Playing in the sand with various figures, the child has the opportunity to change an uncomfortable situation for him or his state in game form thus gaining experience in independently solving problems, both internal and external. The child transfers the experience gained into reality.

In addition, one cannot fail to note the unique properties of sand, which is able to "ground" negative emotions, bringing harmony to the human condition.

Short story

The sand therapy technique began to be applied at the end of 1920 by psychotherapists Anna Freud, Erik Erickson and others. W. Jung developed the technique of active imagination, which is considered the theoretical foundation of therapy.

In 1930, Margaret Lowenfeld invented the Peace Building technique, which was used to work with sick children and children of character.

After studying the "Peacebuilding" methodology, Dora Kalf developed the Jungian "Sand Therapy", which was used in work with both children and adults. It uses a tray filled with sand and many small items. The Sand Therapy program complements other types of psychotherapy.

It is very relevant in modern world. We are increasingly moving away from nature, forgetting our natural beginning. Classes with sand help to return to the primitive feelings and sensations.


What is sand therapy for? Classes with sand help to determine the characteristics of the child's personality, to understand oneself and one's self, contribute to the development of thinking, imagination, fingers.

They teach children to create models of their fantasies, understand them and explain them. Classes help to overcome difficulties in communication, teach to express one's thoughts in words, be responsible for one's own actions and deeds, rely more on oneself, contribute to the development of self-esteem, get rid of fears and the consequences of psychological trauma and gain self-confidence.

Sand therapy for children preschool age is not used to change or remake the child, it gives him the opportunity to be himself. Such games are a symbolic language for self-expression. Manipulations with toys help the child express his attitude towards himself and other people, to the events taking place.

What Problems Does Sanding Help Eliminate?

Children's sand therapy helps to cope with various behavioral disorders, establish relationships with other children and adults, get rid of psychosomatic diseases, increased anxiety, fear, neuroses, and overcome difficulties that are associated with various family and social situations. It is useful for children with special needs.

Kindergartens and schools have just begun to use the influence that sand therapy has on the mental development of children. In the future, it is planned to make such classes mandatory.

Trying to draw with sand, children learn letters and numbers faster, learn to distinguish between the concepts of "right" and "left", to distinguish between day and night, seasons. Therefore, sand games can be used not only by a psychologist, but such activities help teachers to teach children much more effectively. Sand contributes to the development of visual-figurative thinking, perception and memory, tactile sensitivity and fine motor skills hands

Stages of sand play in children

The general stages of such a game were identified by John Allan in 1986:

1. Chaos. At this stage, the child selects a lot of figurines, dumping them into a container of sand. The figurines have different sizes, belong to different categories, among them there are no plants and animals. This behavior of the baby speaks of the anxieties, fears and confusion that prevail in his life. This stage can continue for several sessions.

2. Struggle. At this stage, good and bad heroes, predatory and herbivorous animals, earthlings and aliens, etc. appear among the figures, which means confrontation, hostilities, conflicts. The stage can take a long time. At this stage, you can not rush the baby, offering to introduce a positive character. It is necessary to give the child the opportunity to overcome the internal conflict on his own, at the pace he needs. The completion of the stage can be judged by the peace treaties concluded, the pardon of the enemy and the preservation of his life.

3. Exodus. This stage means harmony and balance. At this stage, all objects are interconnected, greenery and fruits appear among the figures, animals are arranged in pairs.

Sand games at home

For homework, you will need a box (65 × 75 × 8), blue paint, a container of water, and many small toys. Make sure that the play box is not rough or has sharp edges. The inner surface of the box is painted blue, which has a beneficial effect on the psyche.

Sand for sand therapy is better to take yellow. But in order to create accents in the game, dark-colored sand is also suitable. In order for a child to sculpt sand figures, a container of water is needed. Figures for the game must be no more than 10 cm in height. Suitable toys made of plastic and metal.

Base games

There are many games for sand therapy, for starters, you can try the most popular:

1.Game "Guess". Several figurines are buried in the sand and the child is invited to recognize them without removing them from the sand.

2. Game "Funny stories". Simple words are laid out in the sand with letters of the alphabet. Then you need to read them with your child. After that, the baby closes his eyes, and the letters are hidden in the sand. The task of the child is to find the letters and restore the word.

3. Game "My city". The kid must display his town or even a magical country on the sand. You need to come up with a story that reflects what is happening in the sandbox. All participating characters can be given names.

Group games

Sand therapy for preschool children is carried out in groups of 4-6 people. In the event that the participants are aggressive or hyperactive, there should not be more than 3 people in the group. Group lessons develop the ability to play in a team, communicate with other children, play certain roles, listen to yourself, your feelings and worries, and express your thoughts.

The tasks of group lessons with sand are to improve the skills of practical communication using verbal and non-verbal means, the development of fantasy and imaginative thinking, the ability to concentrate, and increase the activity of children.

The game is as follows. Children become wizards who must create a fairy-tale land on uninhabited land. Children are allowed to take whatever they see fit. The country is created by everyone together or in turn, without interfering with each other, until it is built.

At the same time, it is necessary to monitor the behavior of children, how they contact with each other. Sand therapy for preschool children is useful because, while playing, children learn to resolve conflicts on their own, overcome difficulties together, listen and hear others.


It is contraindicated to engage in sand therapy for children who are hyperactive and have a syndrome of epileptic children, babies who have allergic reactions to dust and small particles, as well as pulmonary and skin diseases.

Sand therapy for preschool children under the guidance of a psychologist is an excellent type of activity that helps parents get answers to questions that relate to the inner world of their baby, which allows them to understand the causes of conflicts, fears and anxieties and successfully correct such conditions.

"Sand play therapy as a means of developing the speech-cogitative activity of older preschool children" "Sand play therapy as a means of developing the speech-cogitative activity of older preschool children" Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution " Kindergarten combined type» pos. Ust-Omchug Speech therapist Yakusheva I.V.


* With the transition of preschool educational institutions to the Federal State Educational Standard, the question arises of what methods and means to use the speech therapist teacher to implement the correctional tasks set by the standard. One of the newest and most promising methods in the work of a speech therapist is the use of sand therapy in working with preschoolers.

* Sand play is the most organic, familiar and familiar way for a child to express their feelings, explore the world, build relationships. * Working with children as part of sand therapy, my main task is not to teach children to work on sand and some special techniques, but is more about getting pleasure from the process itself and solving problems with the pupils' speech.

In the development of fine motor skills, tactile sensations and thinking, sand is indispensable. Playing with sand develops dialogic speech in children, they learn to build sentences correctly, coordinate nouns with adjectives, numerals, select diminutive forms, classify objects, vocabulary expands, sounds are differentiated and automated.

Playing with sand is a natural and accessible form of activity for every child: - playing with sand has a certain functional meaning - we build, we study and consolidate geometric shape, color, size. - games with sand are of physiological importance for the child, fine motor skills of hands, dexterity, coordination of movements develop. - sand games develop voluntary attention, voluntary behavior skills. In games with sand, there are certain rules, the ability to work in a team is formed, according to the instructions, the proposed plan. - these games affect the mental development of the child

Sand games are diverse: - educational games provide the process of teaching reading, writing, counting, literacy; - cognitive games enable children to learn about the diversity of the world around them, about the history of their city, country, etc.; - projective games will open up the potential of the child, develop his creativity and imagination.

I have tested the following methods and techniques used in the sandbox: lexical topics: professions, transport, my village, etc.); - conversations (on lexical topics and completed works); - games - communications "Little wizards - we create the world"; - educational games: "My city"; -drawing with sand: "Patterns in the sand", "Whose trace"; - elements of fairy tale therapy (according to program works); - musical accompaniment; -role-playing games: "We are going to visit"; - elements of psycho-gymnastics: "Hello sand", "Sand rain"; - work in pairs: "Sand builders"; - problematic situations: "Build steps" - division into syllables, "Secret tasks of moles"; -games - travel: "Journey to the desert"; - Experiments with sand and water.

Thanks to the teamwork of specialists and educators, the following correctional, developmental and educational tasks are successfully solved through games with sand: - the formation of a sense of beauty in children; - formation of positive motivation for independent activity, activation cognitive activity; - development of communication skills, promoting the ability to unfold different plots, establish and follow the rules of joint activities, conduct a role-playing dialogue, develop the ability to act according to the instructions of an adult peer; - correction of emotional and volitional disorders, education of kindness, careful attitude to all living things; - creation of conditions for the development of speech: the activation of the dictionary, the complication of lexical and grammatical structures, the improvement of monologue and dialogic speech; - development of memory, attention, observation, logical thinking; - formation of sensory standards - colors, shapes, sizes, proportions; - correction of spatial representations; - development of fine motor skills and the formation of optimal tone in the muscles of the hand, training in special movements (game techniques and drawing in the sand); - development of the ability to adapt to changing conditions, activation of research interest.

The sandbox is an excellent mediator for establishing contact with the child. And if the child still speaks badly and cannot tell an adult about his experiences, then in games with sand everything becomes possible. Through sand games, tasks such as the development of communication skills are easily solved, i.e. the ability to fully communicate.

In the classroom, together with children, we master the technique of drawing by hand. This is a slightly different drawing than painting with a brush. Drawing takes place directly with fingers on the sand, which contributes to the development of sensory sensations, liberates and harmonizes, and also contributes to the development of two hemispheres (since drawing is done with two hands).

Speaking about the effectiveness of this work, I noted qualitative changes in the development of coherent speech, the children began to pronounce words more clearly, compound and complex sentences appeared in speech. Older preschoolers have expanded the repertoire of role-playing behavior and communicative functions of speech (they can jointly plan the upcoming game, distribute game actions, evaluate what they heard, draw a conclusion and explain their decision). I am convinced that with the help of the game, children's learning is more effective, and education is natural.

Health-saving technology sand play therapy

Recently, the interest of teachers in classes with children in the sand, sand play therapy has increased significantly. Which one of us didn't play puffballs when we were kids? A bucket, a mold, a scoop - the first thing we get a child. The first contacts of children with each other occur in the sandbox. The first house is built in the sandbox, the first tree is planted, a family is created. All this is the world of the child, where he is comfortable, everything is clear and close. There is a sandbox in the group so that the children feel in winter as in summer and play by themselves.

“What do you need to play in the sand?

And, in fact, so little is needed:

Love, desire, kindness,

So that faith in childhood is not lost.

The simplest drawer from the table,

Paint it blue

A handful of golden sand

There will join a marvelous fairy tale.

Let's take a small set of toys into the game.

Like God, we create our own World of Wonders,

Passing the path of Knowledge.

What is the reason for such a deep interest in sand?

Probably, it is very important for a person to feel like a Creator and a Builder. Architectural construction is the most symbolic and therefore, perhaps, the most creative work. And the material for the game - sand - so rough, obedient, fluid - gives rise to many sensations and associations.

Today, sand therapy is used for various purposes. Sand has become a familiar material in many development centers; it is also used for psychodiagnostics. Sand is an ideal developing environment where you can create without fear of spoiling or breaking something (unlike a sheet of paper). Sand classes contribute to the development of speech, fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, sensory, memory, imagination, fantasy, observation. Sand will be of help if the child is learning to read and write, is learning to read and write, or needs help to learn how to pronounce sounds correctly. All this can happen in the form of a fairy tale, easily and unobtrusively, in the game, so the results are much more tangible. In the sand, they even teach geography or history, playing out whole pictures. If you want to make a trip to the North or mountain peaks, stock up on salt, polystyrene foam or cotton wool - “eternal snows”. The material learned in such games, children remember for a lifetime. That's what a miracle sand is.

We have made a "mini-sandbox" in our group, we use it both in the classroom, in joint activities with children, and for independent games and activities of children.

Children enjoy playing with sand. After all, such games are very natural, this is what the child likes to do, what he is not afraid of. That is why we made an attempt to conduct games with sand as an additional methodological technique.

Playing on the sand, we turn on the fairy-tale character "Sandman". A fascinating story is being told from his face, he makes riddles, invites you to travel, to a research laboratory, sometimes turns to children for help. He leads the game process, controls its progress, summarizes and analyzes the results of creative work, supports each of the guys.

To organize sand games we use big set miniature items and toys. So, everything that is found in the outside world can take its rightful place in the collection. This develops tactile-kinesthetic sensitivity and fine motor skills of the child's hands. A preschooler learns introspection, the ability to understand himself and others.

Watching the children, we could not fail to notice that in last years began to appear many children with a violation in speech development. At the same time, they often have an underestimated level of verbal communication, aggressiveness, inability and unwillingness to yield to each other, to be more tolerant and benevolent. There is also often rapid fatigue, absent-mindedness, indifference in the classroom, which leads to a limitation of speech practice, which in turn delays the development of communication skills.

We want to end our speech with the words of teachers T.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva and T.M. Grabenko: “We know for sure that sand is a great Actor. Then he is the new possibilities of man; it becomes his memory; it plays the role of a recalcitrant destroyer; then it transforms into a malleable substance from which you can sculpt anything.

There are many techniques and methods that help correct violations and develop children. We use sand in our group all year round. Children love to play in the sand. During all the summer months, they tirelessly "work" in the sandbox: they build towers, castles, palaces, "cook" pies, "bake" cakes and pastries. Sand helps children to find mutual understanding. Possessing the ability to remove aggressive energy, it allows a large number of children to “get along” in the sandbox quite peacefully, make joint plans and implement them. They have a need to communicate with each other, which, of course, has a beneficial effect on the development of communication skills, the development of speech. We know that the fingers are endowed with a large number of receptors that send impulses to the central nervous system person. The higher the motor activity of the fingers, the better the speech is developed. In the development of fine motor skills, tactile sensations and thinking, sand is indispensable. Playing with sand, the children themselves come to the conclusion that on dry sand the finger hole disappears, on wet sand it is stored for a long time. Comparing the prints of an adult and a child's hand, the inner and outer sides of the hand, fists, bones, children simultaneously massage the hand. We ask you to walk on the surface of the sand with each finger of one and the other hand, then at the same time the index, large, middle, ring, little fingers of both hands. We slide our palms on the sand, making zigzag and circular motions. Children play on the sand, like on a piano keyboard, comparing with the sensations of the same movements on a hard surface; draw with sticks, look for the similarity of patterns with surrounding objects.

The ability to hear and isolate different sounds and their combinations in a word is the basis for the formation of the correct sound pronunciation. We try to help children turn sound from an abstract symbol into a fairy-tale creature from a sand country. We are preparing for such a game in advance, for example, we want to work out the sound “A” with children. We select figures whose names contain the sound “A” (you can cut or sculpt them). We stick the letter "A" on them. We are preparing the letter "A" (for example, plasticine) is better than one that is easy to feel. Then we build a fairy-tale country “A” with the children, where there are gardens with Acacias and Watermelons, rivers with Sharks and palaces with Arches. Children become direct participants in the process. For example, they compose who can live in a country where princess “A” rules (they come up with a name for her, call her favorite dishes (Oranges). Then we give the children the key to this country (a card with a letter) and they continue to play with any of its residents, and they can also make some changes by sticking images of letters, we prepare children to study and correlate with sounds. To separate the concepts of “sound” and “letter”, we explain that the mysterious signs drawn on clothes of each sound, help them recognize each other without saying the name aloud.These signs are called letters.Therefore, you can call the characters and voice, and write the signs-letters in the sand.For children to remember, both visually and by touch, you can make letters (from cardboard, plasticine, velvet paper, sew and stuff with cotton), which are easy to touch.Children write letters in the sand, sculpt from sand, hide and find character-letters, burying in the sand , build houses for them, etc. We observe how one letter turns into another (say, “L” into “A”). Children love to make up fairy tales, for example, about the dwarf "S-s-s" who could only speak his name until he met two other gnomes named "O-o-o" and "K-k-k". When they held hands, something unusual happened - they were able to say "Juice" and in their hands appeared cups of juice. Gradually we introduce letters-characters, and remove the toys from the sandbox. This is how we help children master the approaches to such a difficult task as reading and writing.

Playing with sand, we conduct games for the development of proper breathing:

“Level the road” - from the children's car, the teacher makes a shallow groove in the sand, the child levels the road in front of the car with an air jet;

"What's under the sand? ”- the picture is covered with a thin layer of sand. Blowing off the sand, the child opens the image;

"Pole" - a child, following the rules of breathing, takes in air through the nose, inflating the stomach and slowly, smoothly, with a long stream blows a hole in the sand;

"Secret" - a toy or a small object is buried shallowly in the sand. It is necessary to discover the hidden by blowing sand;

We carry out exercises to regulate muscle tone, relieve tension from the muscles of the fingers, improve fine motor skills:

put your palms on the sand, feel the complete relaxation of your fingers;

immerse your fingers in the sand, squeeze and unclench your fists;

immerse your fingers in the sand, and with light movements create “waves”;

Articulation exercises:

“Horse” - click your tongue, at the same time with your fingers rhythmically, to the beat of the click, “jump on the sand”;

"Swing" - rhythmically move the tongue up and down, move the index finger of the leading hand to the beat with the movement of the tongue along the sand in the same direction;

"Watch" - rhythmically move the tongue to the right and left, with the index finger of the leading hand in time with the movements of the tongue in the same direction along the sand;

Sound automation:

"Strong motor" - pronounce the sound "R", guiding a path through the sand with your index finger. A variant of this exercise is to draw the letter "R" in the sand while making the sound "R" at the same time.

"Gorochka" - pick up sand in your hand and pronounce the sound "C", pouring a hill.

“Path” - pronounce the given syllables, “walking” them with your finger or lightly spanking the sand with your palms;

After learning how to manipulate sand, we move on to object design. We build natural landscapes: rivers, lakes, seas, mountains, valleys, explaining the essence of these phenomena along the way. We conduct magic lessons, for example: “Forest, clearing and their inhabitants”, “Sea, river, lakes and their inhabitants”, “City, its inhabitants, professions and services”, “Village and its inhabitants”, “Space travel”, etc. So, gradually, children receive information about the world around them and take part in its creation.

We try to accompany all sand paintings with stories, while children manipulate trees, animals, and vehicles. Such activities develop not only ideas about the world around, but also spatial orientation.

Children are very fond of writing in the sand, they are not afraid to make mistakes, this is not paper. You can easily fix everything if you make a mistake.

With great pleasure, children show fairy tales on the sand: “Gingerbread Man”, “Teremok”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, etc. They tell fairy tales and move the figures in different directions with their hands, and learn to correlate speech with the movement of characters.

Sandbox activities are very useful: they improve emotional condition, attention, correlation of speech with objective actions. After sand games, dramatized games and other activities are easier and more natural for children.

In the course of the classes, we found out that the actions of children with sand can be divided into 3 types:

1. performing certain manipulations with the sandy surface (children fill molds with sand, draw on the sandy surface, make prints, collect sand into lumps and create slides);

2. penetration into the thickness of the sand, digging holes and tunnels, hiding objects in the sand with their subsequent extraction;

3. organization of plots, creation of a composition.

MIRACLES on the sand

(sand play therapy)

What do you need to play sand?

And, in fact, so little is needed:

Love, desire, kindness,

So that faith in childhood is not lost.

Small toys set

Let's take the game ... Like God

We will create our own World of Wonders,

Passing the Knowledge Road.


Creating a natural stimulating environment in which the child feels comfortable and protected, showing creative activity.

To do this, we select a task that corresponds to the capabilities of the child; we formulate instructions for games in a fabulous form; we exclude a negative assessment of his actions, ideas, results, encouraging imagination and creativity.

    "Revitalization of abstract symbols: letters, numbers, geometric shapes, etc.

the implementation of this principle makes it possible to form and strengthen the positive motivation for classes and the personal interest of the child in what is happening.

    Real "living", playing all kinds of situations along with the heroes of fairy-tale games.

On the basis of this principle, the mutual transition of the Imaginary into the Real and vice versa is carried out. For example, being in the role of the Princess's Savior, the child not only offers a way out of the situation, but actually plays it out in the sand with the help of miniature figures. So he "in practice" is convinced of the correctness or fallacy of the chosen path.

Educational games in the sand

Simulation of fairy tale games in the sand

Stages of work


Adult behavior style

    Introduction to the gaming environment.

    Getting to know the game and its characters.

    Modeling conflict, difficulties.

4. Choice of help.

5 Fight and victory.

6. Confirmation of victory.

7. The prospect of further adventures.

Setting for attentive listening and active participation - sayings, nursery rhymes, the promise of extraordinary adventures and trials.

Listening to the beginning of a fairy tale, history and building a playing space in the sandbox (fantastic land, castles, seas, rivers, forests - what is required according to the plot of the game). Settling it with various characters (fairy tale characters, animals, letters, etc.)

The children are read the continuation of the story, in which something happens that destroys the created world on the sand (the forces of evil appear, monsters, a hurricane, etc.).

Asking a child for help:

    what will happen to the people of the country? What to do? How to be? Can you help?

    Only you, with such a kind heart, can help the people of this country.

You can dress up in fabulous clothes and get acquainted with helpers.

Children act out the situation of fighting evil. Here they are sages and knights, fairies and sorceresses. Everyone acts under the mask of the character closest to him. Next comes the restoration, reconstruction, transformation of the sand country. Right now, children are the Creators

Restore the world in accordance with their desires and acquired knowledge and skills. Build so that new country everyone was comfortable. Successful experience is intensifying - all fairy-tale creatures are grateful to children.

Spontaneous continuation of the game in which victory celebrations take place.

Story about subsequent games, adventures.

Confiding style of communication, attentive attitude to each child, dialogue with each, reduced tone of voice, suggestive nature of statements.

The position of a "detached narrator", a benevolent and gentle assistant, a researcher of the created space.

Creating a situation in which the child acts independently can endure and act out negative emotions in the game with sand, while an adult can act as a destroyer using figures and dolls.

An adult is an interested person who studies the situation, looking for a way out on an equal basis with the child. An adult convinces, encourages, instills confidence in himself, points to the potential of the child. Let's use suggestive intonation.

He supports, encourages, expresses his interest, expresses confidence that the child will succeed. Then he expresses sincere admiration for the child, gratitude for the invention and kindness.

Adult behavior style - an adult asks about the emotional state of children, thoughts and feelings that arose during the game, whether they liked what they would do if they suddenly find themselves in a similar situation again, etc.

The adult tries to interest the child.

Poetry "warm-ups"

Dmitry Frolov

Let's start our games

Move forward!

What are you guys up to?

Amazing people!

As the fairy elf teaches,

To invoke their diligence:

"Hang up your ears

On the carnations of attention!

Inhale once, inhale twice...

Clapped their hands

And now we sit side by side

Like potatoes in the land!

Alexey Gustyshkin

To defeat the villains

It's not enough just to know a lot.

Gotta be active

Brave, kind, strong.

Also desirable

Do everything carefully!

Games for the development of tactile and kinesthetic sensitivity and

fine motor skills of the hands.

"Sensitive Hands"

Tactile-kinesthetic sensations are directly related to mental operations, with their help the World is known. Therefore, our game lessons we begin by developing just this kind of sensitivity.

Our handprints

On flat surface sand, a child and an adult take turns making handprints with the inside and outside. It is important to hold your hand on the sand, slightly pressing it, and listen to your feelings.

Children are given different kinds assignments:

    “glide” with your palms on the surface of the sand, performing zigzag and circular movements (like cars, snakes, sleds, etc.)

    perform the same movements, placing the palm on the edge.

    “walk” with your palms along the laid tracks, leaving your marks on them.

    create all sorts of bizarre patterns on the surface of the sand with the prints of palms, fists, knuckles of the hands, the edges of the palms, try to find the similarity of the patterns with the objects of the surrounding world (chamomile, sun, raindrops, grass, tree, hedgehog, etc.).

    “play on the surface of the sand like on a piano or computer keyboard

These simple exercises are actually of great importance for the development of the child's psyche. The emotional state is stabilized. We teach the child to listen to himself and pronounce his feelings. And this contributes to the development of speech, voluntary attention, memory. But most importantly, the child receives the first experience of reflection (introspection). Learn to understand yourself and others. This lays the foundation for the further formation of positive communication skills.

What is hidden in the sand?

An adult and a child together immerse their hands in dry sand. and begin to move them, then observing how the sandy relief changes.


The hand of one player turns into a "mine"; it can be in the sand in any position. The task of the other player, the "sapper", is to dig out the "mine" without touching it.

"Minesweeper" can operate with his hands, blow on a "mine", help himself with thin sticks.

"Wonderful bag"

Several objects, toys are buried at once. Does the child recognize by touch what or who it is?

"Fairy tale"

“In a fairytale land, there lived a beautiful Princess. She was kind and smart. But this is not enough. She had the gift of making everyone around her kind and smart. Therefore, the inhabitants of this country felt happy.

This was not to the taste of the Dragon who lived next door. He planned to kidnap the Princess and take away her priceless gift. And so it happened.

So that the Princess could never give joy to people, the Dragon enchanted her into an unprecedented creature and imprisoned her in an underground castle. Not only that, the one who comes to save the Princess will destroy her with his touch. And she will forever remain enchanted.

Can you help the Princess and the inhabitants of this fabulous land? Try!"


Children hide their candy wrappers, flowers, chips, etc. in the sand, while others must find their “secret”. “You can classify letters, numbers, geometric shapes.

"Guess it"

The answer is buried in the sand. The child checks himself by digging out a clue. Or “writes” a guess, sculpting sand letters.

If you guessed the riddle

Don't be in a hurry to say it out loud.

You, using the clue,

Take on the task.

Who conjures, conjures,

Does it fly in a mortar at night?

At the hut on chicken legs

Who is the mistress?

(Grandma Yozhka)

Who hid the needle in the egg,

Does the egg keep in the box?

Who is the meanest and skinniest of all?

Who doesn't believe everyone?


Guessed, do not call

Sculpt (dig out) and read.

Goblin Yozhka for his birthday

Wrote a poem.

In it he wished her happiness,

be wiser and


What word Leshy did not write here?

Make it out of the sand if you guessed right.

On a pink fairy cloud

They danced and sang songs.

Giving again and again

Peace and (love) to all.

A very important gift to the fairies

Didn't read it aloud.

Games for the development of phonemic hearing,

sound correction,

learning to read and write.

"Sand letter"

Journey to Sounds

Game-fairy tale "Journey to the country" A ".

There is a beautiful country

Where the Princess is called "A".

(An adult puts a figurine in the sandbox, on which the image A is glued with transparent adhesive tape, that is, the letter A.

A-kuls are splashing in the river.

(a river is created in the sandbox and sharks from the Kinder Surprise collection are placed; the letter A is also pasted on them)

A-ists live in gardens.

(a garden of twigs is created in the sandbox and birds appear, the letter A is also pasted on them)

A-oranges, and A-watermelons, and A-cacias bloom

(plants with the letter A appear in the sandbox)

For us to play here

There are many words to be said.

Bring friends here

In whose names - A

    Be brave!

(pronouncing the instruction in verse, the adult makes an intonational accent on the sound A)

In order to start the game, an adult will have to prepare a little:

Select figures whose names contain the sound A (5-10 pieces),

Stick the letter A on them,

Arrange the prepared figures next to the sandbox,

Prepare a wooden or plastic mass letter A.

An adult at the same time pronounces a poem-instruction and, together with a child, builds a fairy-tale land.

Thus speech goes hand in hand with action. The child becomes a direct participant in the process - a positive motivation is formed ... And then a task sounds that requires independent work.

In order to play in the sandbox with attractive figures, the child must name at least 3 words that contain the sound A. It is important to remember the sequence of presenting words containing the sound at the beginning of the word, then at the end, then in the middle. And we try not to take words in which the sound is not clearly heard. Asking questions can help your child. For example:

“Do you know that the princess has friends whose names are Anya, Anton, Asya and…?”

“Who can live in this country? Mom, dad and...?

“Look at other figures, name them. In what names and titles did you hear the sound A?

“What do you think the princess likes to eat? Porridge, jam, raspberries…?”

When the child names the words, the adult announces to him that now he has received the key to the country of Princess A and is her guest of honor (at the same time, a prepared letter is handed).

"Let's get acquainted"

Purpose: acquaintance with vowel sounds, development of creative imagination.

With a sweet sound E

Lives in that fairyland

Calm, kind, sweet E.

He drives around Eli in the morning

And he checks all the toys.

And they rush with him along the branches of Spruce,

Like a green carousel

"Bear" and "Squirrel", "Starling",

And "Lion" and even "Cucumber"!

But here, my friends, the trouble is

He forgot other words

Where is our dear E too,

Will we help his trouble?

With a wizard

"On a soft cloud,

What floats in the sky

Sound And like a magician

Flying over the world...

He brings happiness

And wishes everyone well

And where did it fall apart


He loves Indians

Raisins and Caviar,

And loves in the sand

Simple game!

He is happy with you

play in the sand

So that you all the words

With a sound I could call!

With poor Oh

"In the vast, desert country of Limpopo,

The beautiful sound of Oh lives alone.

He is an orphan: no friends. no river

The sound will wither Oh, there alone from melancholy!

What to do guys? How to find a country?

How poor sound Oh quickly save?

Living letters

Purpose: to make clear the difference between a sound and a letter, to call the fabulous inhabitants not only with a voice, pronouncing, singing sounds, but also writing signs-letters in the sand.

Game-tale "Gnomes"

“In one fairy-tale country, where a river flowed (or a lake, or there was a sea), there was a beautiful forest, a little dwarf lived (or another fairy-tale hero). (At this time, you take out the figurine and put it in the sand). The gnome had a house (at this time you offer the child to put the house in any place). He lived in it. A tree (garden) grew next to the house. You are asking to plant a tree. The dwarf took care of him, poured water on him, talked to him, covered him when it was cold. Our gnome had an interesting name - his name was "Ssss". He wore a jacket with the image of his name (you stick the letter C you made in advance on the back of the figurine with a transparent adhesive tape).

But the most amazing thing was that the dwarf could only pronounce, say only his name: "Ssss"! When he rejoiced in the sun, going out on the porch in the morning, he said joyfully: "Ssss." When he was cold, he hid in his house, made a fire in the stove and shivered. And at the same time, he again uttered only his name: “Ssss”! When he was angry, he said: “Sss!” (It is important to pronounce this sound with a child, with a different emotional coloring, so that he “comes to life”).

Let's meet another hero of our fairy tale. At the other end of this fairyland, there was also a house (we ask the child to put the house where he sees fit). And a beautiful tree grew next to it (the child “plants” it). And another dwarf lived in this house (we expose it). His name was - O. As well as the gnome C, the gnome O could pronounce, speak only his name. When he was having fun. He said: "Oh-oh-oh-oh!" etc. Dwarf O wore a jacket with the image of his name (a letter is pasted). Look, there is another house in our country (they quietly put a house)! Who lives in it? Who is watering all these beautiful flowers? Meet the dwarf K. He wears a jacket with his name on it. And, like other inhabitants of this fabulous country, he can only pronounce his name: “K-k-k!” How does he say when he is happy? And when is it sad? etc.

Once the gnomes went to see the country and show themselves. They wanted so much to have friends. Here in the clearing two gnomes C and O met. They were very surprised at each other and each of them said his name. Our gnomes were very curious, getting closer and closer to each other. They even wanted to touch the other, to check if it was a dream?! And when their hands joined, suddenly ..! Each of them said: "Oh!" and "Oh!" When their hands joined. They could pronounce not only their own name, but also the name of another! And when the hands were separated. Everyone could only say their own name. The gnomes, hand in hand, walked along the path, singing cheerfully: “S-s-o-o!” and "O-o-s-s!" At this time, the gnome K was also walking, and now he came out onto the path along which the gnomes C and O were walking.

When the dwarf K saw S and O walking and singing merrily, he was very surprised and said: “K-k-k!” And C and O already knew what interesting things happen when hands join. Therefore, they ran up to the dwarf K and took his hands. But suddenly…

Suddenly everything rumbled, sparkled. The gnomes closed their eyes and snuggled closer to each other. There was silence. The gnomes opened their eyes and said in surprise: “SOK!”

And suddenly each of them had a glass of juice in his hand!

They understood. They can work real miracles.

Evening came, the gnomes went to bed.

Game "Find and name"

Purpose: to learn to memorize letters, to develop voluntary attention, memory, thinking.

Select the letters with which the child is familiar,

Find the Mouse King figurines and children.

Direct, full living of the game process.

First, the child builds a house where the children live. Plays with these figures and familiar letters. When “night” comes, the child puts toys and letters to sleep in the sandbox, and closes his eyes. Meanwhile, the speech therapist reads the instruction in verse, assumes the role of the Mouse King, and buries the letters in the sand. When the child opens his eyes, he will need to find and dig out the letters, recognize and name them.

Night! The child fell asleep

Suddenly, in the pantry, from the corner

The Mouse King himself came out,

Stole letters from children.

I hid them right there in the sand,

So that no one can find it.

To prevent children from reading

So that they do not know the letters,

To not have fun

So that their house becomes a dungeon ...

Save the children quickly

Unearth the letters instantly

Name everyone who knows

Let the King in the hole weep!

Game "Magic words"

In the sandbox, the speech therapist together with the child add up the words and read them. Then the child closes his eyes, and the speech therapist mixes the letters, partially burying them in the sand. Having opened his eyes, the child must put back the original words.

Once the evil Koschey conceived

quarrel all the people,

And the words that I could

Buried in dry sand.

You are the magic words

"Hello", "Friend", "Thank you" ....

Dig faster!

If they are not dug up,

That trouble can not be avoided!

Letters in the sand

Purpose: to teach children to create letters on their own - sculpt them and write. Learn to place letters in the sand.

Game "City of magic letters"

Let's build the City of Letters!

We have sand here.

Let everyone draw

What letters are there!

We share in pairs, friends,

Here you sit, and next to me

You sculpt my letter

And I have to make yours.

This is how we play

From the letters we collect the City!

Before the start of the game, an adult and a child each take a letter from the set. They call them, and then they exchange, saying: “Make, please, my letter!” Raking the sand with the edges of the palms, on the surface of the sandbox, the child and the adult form and mold letters. Having finished the work, they compare the sand letter with the original, and follow the next ones. And so, until the whole City of Letters is formed in the sandbox.

As options for this game, you can offer the child a task: "I will fashion a letter, and you dig it out." Or: “Let's see what miracles the sand letters we created can do! They can turn into one another! The letter L - into the letter A, the letter G into the letter T, the letter O into the letter I ... ”And others.

Game "Snake"

The child learns to write letters with a “snake” (a simple rope with a knot in place of the head). First, the child runs it across the sand. Then, folding the fingers of the leading hand, as if he is holding a pen, he smoothly follows the snake's trail (writes zigzag lines in the sand without interruption).

Next step. The child takes the snake by the head, as if by a pen, and writes circles, sticks, loops.

The snakes played in the sand

And they wrote words with a tail,

Loops followed the pattern -

These letters are to Mother Snake.

But the breeze blew

And covered everything with sand.

And in sorrow, mother - Snake:

Do not read the letters!

How can she find out about snakes?

What's happened? Where? And How?

You are now a wizard!

Write the words soon

Help out your mother - Snake

The good power of magic!

sand letter

fairy tale "Princess and Cinderella" (about stress).

Children go to a country where whole words live. The words are getting ready for the ball. The mistress of this country is the fairy Emphasis. She always rules the ball.

And the fairy also has a Magic Wand. When a fairy touches her to one vowel sound in a word ... a miracle happens! This sound turns into a Princess, and becomes the main one in the word. The princess is revered by the rest of the sounds that make up the word. Bowing before the beauty and majesty of the Princess, they themselves often become barely distinguishable.

The name of the Princess is a stressed vowel, we always hear well. And we will never make a mistake when we write this word.

We have the word MOUNTAIN -

Here Princess letter A!

In this word, another vowel O is almost invisible, hard to hear. "O" became Cinderella. When we pronounce this word, Cinderella's name "O" is heard to us as the name of the Princess. Of course, her name is easy to confuse, misspelled, and thus offend her greatly.

But do not be sad, a fairy tale is a fairy tale - Good reigns in it. In other words, which are called "kindred" here, Cinderellas also become Princesses. After all, they are touched with a magic wand by the fair fairy Emphasis. Try it, change the word "MOUNTAIN" so that Cinderella becomes a Princess.

When you tell a story, put a word on the sand. The child picks up a Fairy figurine and magic wand. Together with you or independently, he pronounces the word written in the sand, intonation highlighting the percussive sound. Holding the figure of the Fairy in his hand, he touches the letter with a wand, and leaves a trace over the letter - an accent. Further, he places the figure of the Princess above the stressed vowel, and above the unstressed - the figure of Cinderella. The same actions are performed with the check word.

You can also play with the verse instructions.

In every word - the realm of sounds,

There at the festive ball

Fairy Emphasis May

Tag your princess.

The sound of percussive notes

Fairy with her wand

And henceforth his name

Every person knows.

Unstressed sounds

Fairy in Cinderella takes

And in the neighboring realm of sounds

Gives them to Princesses.

And tell me, my good,

Who is the Princess in the word "Horse"?

game "Secret of Witchcraft"

Purpose: generalization and consolidation of the acquired knowledge.

Children are invited to the sand box. There is nothing on the surface.

To one magical land

Big trouble came

Crept into her in the dark

The witch is very evil.

Captured one animal

And then turned into a stick.

(Adult shows the children a wand )

And the letters of her name

Thrown into the dungeon to the bottom.

The secret of evil sorcery

The sorceress took with her

Buried in the sandy mountain

And bewitched the entrance there ...

What to do? And where to run?

The animal must be rescued!

And adults have nothing to go:

Guys can only save.

So guys, are you ready?

There are severe trials

There you need to know the letters well,

To unravel the witchcraft!

Then go ahead! Now the river

(An adult, together with children, builds a river in the sandbox and installs two bridges across it: one from the letter Zh, the other from the letter Ш)

There are two bridges for you on it:

From the letter Zh and the letter Sh

Calmly remember the words

Where is the letter W and the letter W

(Children must name at least five words that contain the letters Zh and Sh separately)

But now, the river is behind!

Dense forest in front of the mountain

Became an impenetrable wall

(An adult, together with children, creates a forest of twigs and tree figures)

Forest animals, help!

And you quickly name them!

(Children should name the forest animals they know, an adult can help them, show other animals, spread the concepts: domestic and wild animals).

We were helped by forest animals,

And we are close to the goal!

The mountain arose on the way -

(Children build a mountain of sand)

Don't skip, don't get around

How can we learn to fly?

It's time to call the birds for help!

Shout the birds all in a row,

They will come to us right away.

They will carry us over the mountain

And they won't let us die!

(Children name birds known to them, an adult can supplement their knowledge ).

And the birds helped us in grief,

Now you are on the seashore.

(Children build the sea in the foreground, followed by the Sandy Mountain).

Behind him is Sandy Mountain,

Where the power of witchcraft is hidden.

But how can we cross the sea?

After all, this is not a wide field ...

Let's call the fish in chorus

Call all sea animals!

who remembers all their names,

Call us right here!

(Children name sea inhabitants known to them).

You are great! Great name!

All the fish immediately swam

Now we are with you at the Mountain ...

Here the poor letters languish,

They are afraid of evil sorceresses,

They need to be released

And put the name right!

As soon as the name is deciphered,

We will disenchant the animal with this,

So evil spells will collapse into dust,

And we'll find out who was there.

There are tasks in the magic book,

For you guys, tests,

How to find each letter

Save from the captivity of the dark.

(An adult takes a large book and reads from it).

As soon as the letter clears up,

So her dungeon will collapse in an instant.

So, the task for the first letter:

Find common sound in words

"Car", "Music" and "Mac".

Did you guess or what?

That's right - it's the letter M,

Nothing will scare you!

(an adult puts the letter M on the sand)

The second letter is for fear,

There are even three words at once:

"Balls", and "Roof", and "Tables". Well, how? Now do you know?

(An adult lays out the letter Y on the sand).

And the third is in the words: "Hut",

And "Fur Coat", "Hat", "Yeralash".

You hissed everything so amicably,

What you don't need to say!

Yes, this is the letter S, of course,

YOU are all so diligent today!

(An adult lays out the letter Sh on the sand).

Well, now the fourth

You will guess at once!

The words here are: "Doll", "Bow", "Cat".

Well, how? Think a little...

It was not an easy task

But you decided - the letter K!

(An adult puts the letter K on the sand)

Well, the last one, friends,

It's impossible not to guess.

"Watermelon", "Shark", "Pineapple" -

Here the letter is hidden from us!

You are all great! As always!

You guessed the letter A!

(An adult lays out the letter A in the sand).

Whom have we disenchanted?

What name did we get?

(Children put letters into a word)

That's right! This is our MOUSE!

Probably, the coward is still trembling!

(An adult puts a mouse figure in the sandbox)

In a magical little country

Now everyone is out for the holidays!

Went such a merry feast

What the world has never seen!

(Children build a country in the sandbox, a house for a mouse and other figures).

And all the guys, only you!

You saved a poor mouse!

And all the animals, friends,

You have been loved forever!

It is important to understand that a person's natural breathing is calm, measured and deep breathing with the stomach. However, under the pressure of the modern high-speed rhythm of life, a person accelerates so that it becomes literally “not to breathe”. In other words, a person begins to breathe quickly and shallowly, as if suffocating, and at the same time engage the chest. Such chest breathing is a sign of anxiety and often leads to hypervenous hylation syndrome, when the blood is supersaturated with oxygen, which is expressed in the opposite sensation: it seems to you that there is not enough oxygen, from which you begin to breathe even more intensively, thereby getting into vicious circle anxious breathing.

Relaxation: theory and practice


Frequent, prolonged, intense emotional experiences cannot but affect our physical well-being. The same anxiety always manifests itself in the form of muscle tension, which, in turn, gives the brain a signal that it is time to worry. This vicious circle occurs because mind and body are inextricably linked. Being “educated” and “cultured” people, we suppress, but do not show (do not express, do not express) emotions, due to which the resulting muscle tension is not consumed, but accumulates, which leads to muscle clamps, spasms and symptoms of vegetovascular dystonia. To relax tense muscles, paradoxically, it is possible through a short but rather intense tension, which contributes to a better relaxation of the muscles, which is the essence of neuromuscular relaxation.

Big family: we live together

A big family is a real small state. Several generations meet under one roof every day. This is a place where you can find understanding and sympathy. But keeping the peace is not easy.
Main advantages big family: its members develop self-confidence, the ability to overcome difficulties, emotional stamina. Such a family feeds with positive energy, but in return requires attention and strict implementation. general rules. It turns out that family ties are endless mutual obligations, in the sea of ​​which one can easily lose part of one's "I", as well as a good piece of personal space. A situation may arise when everyone in the family acts differently, hence quarrels and conflicts arise. To remedy the situation, you can convene a family council and discuss the rules of interaction with all family members. After a frank conversation, the reasons for quarrels most often disappear, the tension in the relationship subsides.

How naive were the ancient Greeks, in particular the philosopher Theophrastus, who in his treatise “Characteristics” said: “Tactlessness is the inability to choose the right moment for communication, which causes trouble to the interlocutor. A tactless person does not have malicious intent, but acts at the wrong time and at the wrong time.
Of course, one can assume that the neighbor Aunt Raya, who, congratulating you on your birthday, will not fail to mention that the years go by, and work is not a wolf, in fact, ingenuously wishes you to get married soon and forget about your career. You can also justify a young nephew who candidly compares your eyes under the glasses with the headlights of a brand new Volkswagen - his tactlessness is based on a lack of life experience. But in the modern world, there are many more people who deliberately throw a provocative phrase in order to enjoy your sharp reaction - embarrassment, irritation or aggression. For example, a “girlfriend” who, in the presence of a man who is clearly not indifferent to you, is interested in how your visit to the proctologist went. Or an employee, trying to set you up in front of her superiors, asks an “innocent” question about whether you managed to download the next episode of a fashion series - in the midst of a working day. They are none other than trolls. And if the behavior of Aunt Rai can be justified by a lack of education and innocence, then trolls, as a rule, have a completely different motivation.